Sunday, July 19, 2009

History of Algorithm


(1)Actually the word are originally from 9th century Persian Muslim mathematician which is Abu Abdullah Muhammad ibn Musa AL Khawarizmi. Algorisme only referred to Hindu Arabic mathematic solution but finally evolved through European translation to Latin by AL Khawarizmi in 18th century. Finally algorithm used in all kind of problem solving.



Friday, July 10, 2009

Categories of computer


Since the early form of computers, it came with a large size.But nowdays,computer have been design from high capability to user type capability that came with different kind of size.Now we shall see what are the categories that computer had.


(1) Mainframe are computers used mainly by large organizations fro critical applications, industry and consumer statistics and financial transaction.

(P1) Mainframe

Mini computer

(2) Mini computer is a class of multi-user computer that allocated between large multi-user computer which the mainframe and the smallest one which is the micro computer.

(P2) Mini computer

Micro computer

(3) Micro computer is a computer that contain a microprocessor as its central processing unit and it occupied small spaces only.

(P3) Micro computer

Reference: Information

Reference: Pictures

Thursday, July 9, 2009

History of computer


Past of centuries, man has always become the computer with no separation but now man has develop an amazing machine to help us calculate and almost do evry days work, this machine called computer. Computer has randomly transform to a much better system and high capability to do lots of work and to ease humans work. From the size of the hall to a simple device size of a palm, computer has been tremendous achivement of what human can do. We take look to a journey where computer has evolve through time.


1936- (1) Konrad Zuse has build the Z1 computer which is the first freely programmable computer to been made. (2) Through this machine lots of discovery have been made which majorityly are mathematical discovery since it is the 1st and the only binary computer at that time, such as floating-point arithmetic and many more. Also after the Z1 prototype have been made,more Z's prototype came out from Z2 until Z4.

(P1) Konrad Zuse

(P2) Z1 computer

(1) John Atanasoff and Clifford Berry build the ABC computer. (3) It was the first computer to use capacitors, vacuum tubes, binary numbers and electricity.

(P3) ABC computer

(P4) Clifford Berry
John Atanasoff

1944- (1) Howard Aiken and Grace Hopper invented the Mark 1 computer. (4) It weight 5 ton contains about 760,000 diffenrent separate parts. Mark 1 computer used by the US navy to calculate balistic and gunnery purposes.

(P5) Mark 1 computer

1946- (1) John Presper Ekert and John W. Mauchly invented the ENIAC 1 computer. (5) ENIAC stands for Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator. This project was sponsored by US military as this computer for military purposes.

(P6) ENIAC computer

1948- (1) On this year Frederic Williams and Tom Kilburn invented Manchester Baby computer and the Williams Tube. Both invention cam form The University of Manchester. (6) This computer is the first computer to had all components of a computer which is what we call today characteristic of a basic computer.

(P7) Manchester Baby computer

1947/48- (1) John Bardeen, Walter Brattain and William Shockley invented the transistor. Though the transistor is a small device function to control flow of current and ability to let flow or not to let flow of current, still the transistor has impact on the future of computer.

(P8) Transistor of early invention

1951- (1) On this year, John Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly created the UNIVAC computer. (7) UNIVAC stands for Universal Automatic computer.

(P9) UNIVAC computer

1953- (1) IBM, a computer company developed and build the International Business Machines called IBM 701 EDPM computer. On this year also begin the era of IBM in computer history.

1955- (1) Stanford Research Institue collaboration with Bank of America and General Electric build ERMA and MICR. It was the first bank industry computer. MICR stands for Magnetic Ink Character Recognition. MICR functioned for checks reader. (8) ERMA stands for Electronic Method Reading of Accounting.

(P10) ERMA

1964- (1) Douglas Engelbart invented the windows and computer mouse. It is called mouse because it has a wire coming out of the end of the mouse.

1970-(1) Intel 1103 computer were invented. It is the world's first available dynamic RAM chip.

1971- (1) On this year, Faggin, Hoff and Mazor invented the Intel 4004 computer microprocessor. It is the first microprocessor been made. Also on this year, Alan Shugart with IBM have invented the floppy disk. It is called floppy because of its flexibility.

(P11) Intel 4004 microprocessor

1974/75- (1) During this year, the very first consumer computer were invented such as Mark-8 Altair and IBM 5100 computer.

(P12) IBM 5001 computer

(P13) Mark 8 Altair

1981- (1) IBM invented the IBM PC-Home computer. This has spark more personal computer to be created.

1983- (1) Apple unleashed the Apple Lisa computer. It was the first computer with GUI, graphical user interface.

(P14) Apple Lisa computer

(1) Apple created another computer with GUI but more affordable, the Apple Macintosh.

(P15) Apple Macintosh computer

Referrence: Information

Referrence: Pictures
(P1 & P2)
(P3 & P4)
(P8) of-firsttransistor.jpg